Best weekend ever.
Friday was an easy day. I sat around at home, reading looking up things on webct to make myself feel like I'd done schoolwork and then went to work. After work I came home for a bit, then went to fine melon at her job at dendy. She was selling wine but alas, when I got there (at 8:05pm) she was no where to be seen! She got out of her movie and we shuffled down to meet elk, who was also working at myer (look at all of us with our jobs!) she did my eye makeup for me, at which mel was severely disappointed as she claimed it was "too subtle" but i was quite pleased.
At 9 when elk finished we went to head to elks housesitting house in Cook, not thinking until we were in the car that the liquor shops may be closed! on arrival at jamison, we note that liquorland closed at nine! and we did not arrive till 9;30. Elk and I tried to reason to ourselves that coles will have liqour too, until mel informed us that Liquourland IS the coles liquor! we stood looking at it for a while in dismay, the prospect of having to share our alcohol and thus not getting quite as drunk was really not an option. We decided to head into coles anyway and MIRACLE there was liquor in there.
When we got back to elks i immediatly cracked open the champagne that my mother had given me, and swiftly drank down it's fizzy goodness. The night looked something like this : mel and elk having a few drinks and having a quite sophisticated girls night. Me, getting progressively drunker and abusing them all because they hid their phones out of their desire not to let me drunk-text. bastards. The next morning though, i admitted it was probably for the best.
Saturday was even better. We were awoken at about 4:30 but the cats that live in the house acting like freaks, pitter pattering about and darting past our faces, then woke again at about 9 and pottered around till we were ready to go. We dropped melon home, then elk and i went and picked up my doona cover! Ohhhh glory of glories, it is beautiful. When we get home, elk and i look around my room in dismay, and then elk suggests "...we should rearrange your whole room" and oh how thankful i am she suggested that! my room looks sooo good :D we rearranged my bed and comfy chair, and took the photos off the walls and have a cute chest of drawers with photos and jewellry and pretty things on it. I will take some photos and put them up here. So we rearranged for a while, and before we knew it, it was time for tennis!
Elk and i versed steph (my sister) and daniel (her boyfriend) and it was so much fun! We all dressed up all sporty and strutted onto the pitch/field/court. yeah court. By the end we all got pretty god, and we'll definatly have to do it again! I even got a little bit sunburnt, it felt good. My first sunburn of the spring! Then we went home at about 5pm feeling very pleased with ourselves and feasted of lasagne, garlic bread and salad. Washed down with cruisers that my daddy had kindly bought for us! All in all a perfect dinner. Then alex picked elk up, and i fell into a tired sleep.
Sunday I rose bright and early as i was going with Mikky (friend of britts, plays afl with steph, friend of mine) to watch my sisters soccer semi-final. We didn't really watch much, but we had nice chats and enjoyed the sunshine some more. After the game (which our team one) Elk met us at UC looking oh so summery, and we pottered home so the soccer players (my mum and my sister) could shower and pretty themselves up. Elk and I admired my room for a while, and then we headed off to the thai food festival!
It was fantastic, all the food you could want, at such cheap prices. We all got these dodgy yellow hats with the singha beer lion on top of them, and wore them proudly around the embassy. We feasted on curry puffs, spring rolls, fish cakes and satay sticks. It was perfection. Still more sunshine!
That afternoon elk alex (elk boyfriend) and I went shopping to prepare ourselves for girls night bbq that was to come! we got breads and dips and at last minute got some more drinks that would turn out to be a very good decision. It was one of those miracle events where although it was organised at last minute, everyone seemed able to make it! and so our group was made up of elk me mel meals charlotte beth and vrock. As well as tom and alex who were there to make our bbq for us. We had a really great afternoon, and once the sun went down things only got rowdier! Tom left and Alex went inside and then all hell broke loose for the girls! I had been thinking recently that some of the conversations on sex and the city were unrealisitc and no one speaks like that, but we put sex and the city to shame! It culminated in charlotte and elk demonstrating Charlottes favorite sex positions on the floor of the patio!
We also (I blame the cruisers!) had a flashback to the immaturity of year 8! I messaged a boy and then.. HE CALLED ME. We all immediatly freaked out, as we did not expect him to call. Charlotte answered the phone and then what ensued was a lot of giggling, screams, and me trying to burrow behind beths back so I could not be made to speak to him. It felt good to go back to year 8, even if just for a night.
After everyone left I watched arrested development till I fell asleep on the mattresses, being woken again by the weird cats, this time they headbutted my face a bunch of times. I crawled home on the bus and went back to sleep for the day. Weekend = success.