tomorrow i have a nice day at home planned, i shall do some washing, do some cleaning, and read the eyre affair. ahhh domestic bliss.
Vrocks party on the weekend, went with mel and elk talked trash about mtv. Just been hanging out with melon and elk, we went to a semi bbq at alexs, although none of us ate the meat, so really we sat in the backyard eating dips and chatting. it was good.
elk came over on sunday (my one designated study day) and painted paintings with steph on the back deck. so naturally i was distracted and did not much of anything. However, i had the exam today so that's over.
I was very drained after exam and just lay around, went to work, got pissed off at everyone, came home and lay around. Luckily mel came over and perked me up with talk of beaches, aussie bikinis, foreshore, new years. pretty much everything good is coming up. i was going to go shopping with melon for my aussie bikini on wednesday but melon will have to study now cause of exam revelation, so maybe i shall go myself. or actually, i might save it to buy for myself after exams as my treat. I'm going to veg out in front of family guy till i fall asleep now.
what the hell is this title from? I'm kinda not hating the study, now that it's just reading, and am also enjoying the domestic bliss... pretty excited for