Appropriate title. I'm trying not to allow myself time to wallow, but having a bit of a down day, probably because I'm so drained.
I know you can't compare other people to yourself, but it just seems like everyone around me has all these people interested in and are over their ex's and i just feel like I am stuck. I still care about Yuri way too much, and probably everyone else can pick up on it.
I just want to move on, desperately, but it's freaking difficult.
I still just miss him so much.
On a brighter note, had a great week, hung out with Jane on friday, drank wine, sat on the balcony, watched love actually and random crap on the tv. was so good to see her :) then just been hanging around, went to tams for aus day, and then to deano and janes drinks for their birthday.
Things I'm looking forward to: a couple of early nights, tonight and tomorrow night, going out on saturday, oweek, meeting new people.
I am in fact desperate to meet new people. Anyone got friends hiding who I would love? :P
looking at that photo makes me happy and sad. With the cooler, overcast weather today, it makes summer seem like a million miles away, but there is still so much more to look forward to