above is a selection of some of my horde from diva :D last night was awesome. mel came round after work and we made delicious home made pizzas, then we shuffled to mel's and sat on the back patio enjoying the summer night. We drank some champers, watched some sex and the city. We attempted to practice our drinking game for new years, in which you take a shot everytime the word "Shot" is used in the song "shots" by lmfao. It got intense, and we were only using water. New years is gonna be wild lol.
then tom and alex came over, and we sat on the patio some more, listening to music, talking hanging out. We drunk much more champagne, and then at like midnight alex headed home as he had work at six am. Tom stayed longer cause he was drunker and was waiting for the alcohol to wear off. After i stood up from my position on the patio i realised i was pretty damn drunk, and i was in good company with melon. We put on some more sex and the city and the three of us ended up lying in a mixed up pile togehter on the floor it was really nice. Eventually tom headed home and mel and i shuffled off to bed and passed out. early night tonight and then new years :D:D