I did buy a leather jacket. and god it was the greatest decision of my life!
Friday I hung out with elk, we pottered around the house, eating nice breads, watching high school musical three and bopping around to high school musical songs. We went shopping looking for something hot to wear on saturday night, and we both bought spur of the moment leather jackets! The asian girl who was working at the shop though we were sisters lol. When we got home we put on sex and the city and I painted my nails and strutted around in various leather jacket outfit combinations while elk wallowed in my bed playing mahjong. We try and figure out something to do for the night as it is the long weekend and we want to make the most of it. And also because we want to give our new jackets an outing. Just when we have conceded defeat, and are looking forward to settling in, watching the other two high school musicals, Charlotte messages us wanting to hang. Yay! Charlotte is our high school friend who is in wagga doing vet so this was very exciting. We decide on uni pub, as it is raining, and fridays nights are apparently lame if you are trying to go clubbing. Basically it was me elk talz and charlotte, a nice little high school reunion, with cameos from Farlow, Claire, Rowan and Tam. We hung out at uni pub, marvelling at the weird friday night crowd, and how old they all were. Then we moved onto kingos. Nice relaxed night, lots of boys checked us out, felt v. hot :P Elk and I got back to hers at about one am, we were just sitting on her bed, chatting, winding down from her night and eating maccas, when what follows is a classic raina story.
At about 1:30am the doorbell starts being rung frantically and elk answers it, it is raina (elks sister who normally lives with their mum) saying that her friend rachel and these two random guys who apparently know rachel are going to stay over. What ensues is elk and I turning violently against this rachel whore, Elk looking out the boys and threatening to call the cops if they come in the house, drunken raina saying it's not her fault they have to stay, even though she doesn't want them too, because she didn't have enough spine to say no. I sat on the bed cackling and enjoying rainas latest escapades. Eventually everyone comes inside, they go upstairs and then I lie in bed for a while listening to elk bang about in the kitchen tryin gto piss them off.
Saturday morning we wake up and go buy ourselves some croissants for breakfast. We saunted back to my house, making a detour to woden so i could get some new drugs, as I could feel a migraine coming on and did NOT want to be struck down in pain for the rest of the day. We lay around in bed, listening to high school musical. I had a bit of a nap to ward off my migraine, while elk played chess and mahjong, then she had a nap and I read for a bit. We are such an old married couple. Mel came over after work and the three of us cooked a fantastic pasta (how about that cheese? that's some skill with the grater) ate our fill then headed out (on the leather jackets second outing) to isaacs.
It was pretty much me elk adi and mel and donald, isaac, pat and paul, as well as some other boys who don't really feature in my mind. We had a nice laidback night, playing pool hanging out. Totally forgot about the changing relationships that the other girls (adi and mel) have with these boys, as my relationship with them (mostly distant) has not changed over time. All the girls were a bit tired and apparently a bit too competitive to verse each other in pool, but when our forces were united under one banner we were unstoppable. We headed home pretty early (eleven) and were in bed by twelve.
Upcoming things today? Have to try and do my assignments: fail. Finish my cleaning, do some washing, and then tonight mum and i are going to see swan lake! i think it's the russian ballet. Pretty excited, then maybe hitting up rnb heat at acads with melon :)
Wish uni was over. Sapping my soul.